Steps to Take Before Hiring a Milford Air Conditioner Repair Contractor

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When it comes to your air conditioning system, it is important to remember that it is going to require certain maintenance and minor repair services to keep it healthy. There are going to be minor repairs and major repairs that you aren’t going to be able to handle on your own. In fact, in most cases, it is best to call a professional Southern Connecticut air conditioner repair contractor rather than attempting the repairs yourself.

However, anytime that you are having unexpected problems with your air conditioner, there are steps you need to take before making an appointment with your Southern Connecticut air conditioner repair contractor. The following steps might take a few minutes of your time, but it is time well spent to help both you and your contractor.

Step 1. Check Your Thermostat

When you notice your air conditioner is malfunctioning, your first reaction should be to check the thermostat. The thermostat is the control panel of your air conditioner. With evolving technology, it now gives you a lot more information about what is going on with your air conditioning unit.

If your thermostat is digital and it has a weird symbol or an odd message on it, call your Southern Connecticut air conditioner repair contractor and ask what this symbol means. Perhaps it is an easy fix that they can walk you through over the phone.

Step 2. Check Your Breaker

If you have recently suffered from a power outage and when the power came back on your air conditioner wasn’t working properly, then you need to check your home’s breakers. A power outage can cause your breakers to trip and your unit to malfunction. This is an easy fix since you just have to reset your breaker. However, if your air conditioner continues to trip your breakers, you need to call a professional immediately. There could be another issue.

Step 3. Check Your Air Filters

When was the last time that you change your air conditioner filter? Depending on how often you use your air conditioner, your air filter needs to be changed at least once every 3 to 6 months. Dirty air filters can cause the air flow from your unit to be constructed. Changing your air filter regularly is a part of a professional tune-up service offered by a professional Southern Connecticut air conditioner repair contractor.

Step 4. Inspect Your Outdoor Unit

You air conditioner has a major part of it located outside. While these systems are built to stay outside, they are still exposed to the torment of Mother Nature. When you notice your system malfunctioning, check your outdoor unit for any signs of damages. You can check the fan for any signs of debris or fallen particles. We also suggest turning on your system and listening for any signs of weird noises. This way you will be able to inform your HVAC contractor with exactly what is going on with your unit.

Step 5. Call a Professional

There is no reason not to call a professional Southern Connecticut air conditioner repair contractor as soon as you complete the step above. The above steps are not solutions to your air conditioner problems, but they are steps that help you keep your technician updated on your air conditioners condition. For air conditioner repair services, you should only trust a professional that is certified to provide correct solutions.

If you are looking for a Southern Connecticut air conditioner repair company please call Modern Heating & Air Conditioning, LLC at (203) 295-7549 or fill out our online request form.